The efficiency of your local area network and its computers has a direct impact on your bottom line. Are your employees able to perform at their best? Or is their productivity hindered by unexplained slowdowns? And are these slowdowns the result of improperly configured network topologies, or is malware the culprit that is creating unresponsiveness that is draining your bottom line profits?
If your computers are not properly configured to stay up to date with the constant flow of security patches and updates for your operating systems and antimalware applications, they are open doors for hackers who love to infiltrate entire local area networks. This often leads to the loss of both personal and business information. Many of these hackers also use your bandwidth and your computers as relay stations for their millions of spam emails, without you even knowing it. We can configure your computers and your firewalls to stay up to date and to help keep intruders out of your entire network.
How about excessive personal use of your computers and internet bandwidth by your employees? Most business owners are shocked to find out the extent of the loss of productivity due to frequent web surfing and interaction with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. These activities open holes in your network and firewalls that become significant security risks to your organization. We can help you place limits on the amount and type of computer personal use based on your discretion and criteria.
We are experts at evaluating your specific situation, and can provide practical, sensible solutions for immediate and real bottom line savings! |